Landing Page with WordPress

Creating a landing page for an existing WordPress-based website.

What I did

Build a landing page for new products on a client’s WordPress based website.

One of my earlier projects upon graduating from college was to develop new pages based off of mock-ups provided by the creative designers on the team. One such page was a landing page, to help promote and inform site visitors about a new product.

Project’s Biggest Challenge

This project’s biggest challenge, given the context that it was the first time I was going to make an addition to an existing client website, was to keep the site active and safe.

I must of generated 3 or 4 backups of everything, before even attempting to upload a single file to the live server where the site was sitting.

In retrospect I would and should have obviously created a duplicate of the live site onto a development server or even locally to my computer. But, that approach to development would not occur to me until later in my career.

Starting with the front-end I crafted the HTML, CSS and JavaScript to accomplish the page feel and also the collapsible content feature. Next, I used WordPress and ACF to integrate it into the website and also made it so the end-user could easily modify and add content.

What I took away

The usefulness of browser developer tools when building a site, and why creating a development only duplicate of a site is useful.